1 、本機(ji)適(shi)用于(yu)高密度(du)聚乙(yi)烯(xi)(HDPE)、低密度(du)聚乙(yi)烯(xi)( LDPE)以及聚丙烯(xi)(PP )塑料薄膜的(de)封切,是生產塑料薄膜背心袋、平口袋的(de)設備。
2 、本機(ji)設有(you)光電(dian)自(zi)動(dong)控(kong)制送(song)料裝置、自(zi)動(dong)恒溫控(kong)制裝置、靜電(dian)消除裝置、自(zi)動(dong)計數及報(bao)裝置等。
制袋過(guo)程全部自動化(hua),操作方便,性能穩(wen)定,封底牢固,是大(da)、中、小軟件(jian)包裝企業經濟(ji)、 合適(shi)的(de)封切制袋設備。
1、 This machine is suitable for sealing and cutting hdpe, ldpe and pp plastic film it is oe of the best equipment for producing plastic film vest bags and flat bags This machine is equipped with photoelectric automatic control feedimg
2、 device automatic constant temperature control device, electrostatic removing device automatic counting and alarm device etc With such character ristics as automatic process of bag-making easy operation, stbale prerformance and frim bootom sealing This machine is the most economical and suitable sealing and cutting bag-making machine for large middle and small size soft packing enterprises
地址: 中(zhong)國(guo)浙江溫州瑞安(an)市上望街(jie)道聽潮路66號C23-1(置信工業園(yuan))?
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